Pauline Guide
Second, revised and expanded edition
Edited by Annamária Sudár and Gábor Sarbak
National Széchényi Library – Hungarian Pauline Order, Budapest, 2019, 189 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-698-7
Someone has taken a different road... - Endre Ady on the Road and Seeking a Way Out
Editing, compilation, supplementary studies and index of photos by László Boka – Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi
Design, layout and pre-print: Judit Vincze
National Széchényi Library – Hungarian Academy of Arts Publishing House, Bp., 2019, 248 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-708-3
Map History Bulletin 3.
Editor-in-Chief: László Pászti
NSZL, Budapest 2019, 132 pages
ISSN 2560-0656
Dissertatio de Regiae Budensis bibliothecae Mathiae Corvini ortu, lapsu, interitu et reliquiis
Discussion of the establishment, decline, ruin, and the remains of Matthias Corvinus’ royal library in Buda
Written by Xystus Schier
Afterword and editing by István Monok
[Supplementum Corvinianum V.]
National Széchényi Library, Budapest, 2019., 204 pages
Language: Hungarian, Latin, English
ISBN 978-963-200-700-7
Carl Goldmark Violin Concerto in A minor op. 28
Facsimile edition of the autograph manuscript.
Introductory study written by Balázs Mikusi
Budapest, National Szécsényi Library, 2019., 168 pages
Language: Hungarian, English
ISMN 979-0-801675-23-1
Chronicle. On the Noteworthy Things of This World
Written by István Székely
Facsimile edition
Studies written by Hunor Boér and Gábor Farkas Farkas
NSZL–Székely National Museum–Kossuth Publishing House, Budapest, 2019., 237 pages
ISBN 978-963-099-894-9
„A nekifeszült mentő-akarat”. Kuncz Aladár-emlékkonferencia (The Strained Will of Rescue. Aladár Kuncz Memorial Conference)
Edited by László Boka – Bernadett Brok
National Széchényi Library – Hungarian Academy of Arts Publishing House, Budapest, 2019, 176 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-694-9
A Magyar Bohémvilág. A Budapesti Újságírók Almanachja 1908-ra (The Hungarian Bohemian World. Almanac of the Budapest Journalists’ Association 1908)
Facsimile edition
Accompanying studies written by Zoltán Szénási and András Wirágh NSZL–Argumentum, Budapest, 2019, 592 pages
ISSN 0201-2510 01908
Literary Journal 2019/2. Kányádi
Editor-in-Chief: Szentmártoni János
NSZL – Magyar Napló Publishers Ltd., Budapest, 2019, 124 pages
ISSN 2063-8019
Hungarian Printers’ and Publishers’ Devices 1901–1920
Written by Melinda Simon
NSZL, Budapest, 2019, 252 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 697 0
Language: Hungarian-English
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