Occasional Publications

The Illuminated Chronicle

The Illuminated Chronicle
Edited by János M. Bak and László Veszprémy
NSZL–CEU Press, Budapest, 2018, 436 pages
ISBN 978-963-386-264-3
ISSN 1419-7782

12 000,- Ft

Zoltán Szabó

Zoltán Szabó
Written by Erzsébet Tokaji Nagy and Zsófia Szádeczky-Kardoss
OSZK – Kortárs Publishing, Budapest, 2018.
[series: Kortárs Tanulmány], 572 pages
ISBN 978-963-435-032-3

5 000,- Ft

Whose History? Remembrance, Politics, Documentary

Kinek a történelme? Emlékezet, politika, dokumentumfilm (Whose History? Remembrance, Politics, Documentary)
Written by Réka Sárközy
NSZL – Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest, 2018, 285 pages
ISBN 978 963 963 892 5

3 400,- Ft

The History of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania III/1.

Az Erdélyi Unitárius Egyház története III/1. (The History of the Unitarian Church of Transylvania III/1.)
Written by István Uzoni Fosztó – Mihály Kozma – János Kozma
Hungarian translation by Albert Márkos
Hungarian translation crosschecked with the original Latin text by Mihály Balázs
Edited by Gizella Hoffmann, Sándor Kovács, Lehel Molnár
Hungarian Unitarian Church, Diocese in Hungary of the Hungarian Unitarian Church and the National Széchényi Library, Budapest–Cluj-Napoca, 2018.
1256 pages
ISBN 978 606 8779 08 9

7 000,- Ft

The Encyclopaedia of Baths in Upper Hungary

A felvidéki fürdők lexikona
(The Encyclopaedia of Baths in Upper Hungary)
Written by Zoltán Nagy
NSZL–Nap Publishing House, Dunajská Streda, 2018, 136 pages
ISBN 978 80 8104 075 7

4 990,- Ft

László Lázár Nagy’s World of Small Graphics

László Lázár Nagy’s World of Small Graphics
Written by Kornélia Vasné Tóth PhD
NSZL, Budapest, 2018., 160 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 679 6

2 000,- Ft

Új Idők [New Times] during World War I (1914–1918)

Új Idők [New Times] during World War I (1914–1918)
Written by Judit Kádár
NSZL, Budapest, Budapest, 2018., 320 pages
ISBN 978 615 00 1288 9

3 990,- Ft

Socialist Housing? Housing in the Hungary of the 1950s

Socialist Housing? Housing in the Hungary of the 1950s
Written by Márkus Keller
NSZL–L’Harmattan, Budapest, 2018.
252 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 674 1

2 990,- Ft

Help During Hard Times

Segítség nehéz időkben. Levélválogatás Thallóczy Lajos hagyatékából (Help During Hard Times. Selected Letters from Lajos Thallóczy’s Legacy)
Edited and compiled by Mihály Zichy
NSZL – Magyar Napló Publishers Ltd., Budapest, 2018, 280 pages
ISBN 978-615-5195-48-8

2 900,- Ft

The Polemics of Upper Hungary (1663–1672)

The Polemics of Upper Hungary (1663–1672). The polemics of Mátyás Sámbár, János Pósaházi, István Matkó and István Czeglédi
Written by Erika Csilla Garadnai
National Széchényi Library – Universitas Publishing, Budapest, 2018, 384 pages
ISBN 978-963-9671-65-2

2 520,- Ft
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