‘My Little Homeland in My Great Country’

‘My Little Homeland in My Great Country’ The Documents at the Manuscript Collection of the János Arany Memorial Museum of Salonta/Nagyszalonta
Edited by Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi
National Széchényi Library – János Arany Cultural Society
Budapest – Nagyszalonta, 2018, 318 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 688 8

3 990,- Ft

Literary Journal 2018/4. Várad, Holnap, Ady

Literary Journal 2018/4. Várad, Holnap, Ady (Várad, the Tomorrow, Ady)
Editor-in-Chief: János Szentmártoni
OSZK – Magyar Napló Publishers Ltd., Budapest, 2018, 136 pages
ISSN 2063-8019

1 590,- Ft

Studies of the Illuminated Chronicle

Studies of the Illuminated Chronicle
Edited by János M. Bak and László Veszprémy
NSZL–CEU Press, Budapest, 2018, 206 pages
ISBN 978-963-386-261-2
ISSN 1419-7782

8 490,- Ft

NSZL 215. Studies in Honour of an Anniversary

OSZK 215. Tanulmányok egy évforduló tiszteletére (NSZL 215. Studies in Honour of an Anniversary)
Edited by Eszter Deák and Franciska Dede
NSZL – Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest, 2018.
[Bibliotheca Scientiae & Artis 11., series edited by László Boka], 271 pages
ISBN 978 963 693 689 5, ISSN 2062-2279

3 900,- Ft

Gyula Miklósy’s Journal 1886–1888

Miklósy Gyula naplója 1886–1888 (Gyula Miklósy’s Journal 1886–1888)
Edited by Edit Rajnai
National Széchényi Library,
Budapest, 2018, 680 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-684-0

4 200,- Ft

The Illuminated Chronicle

The Illuminated Chronicle
Edited by János M. Bak and László Veszprémy
NSZL–CEU Press, Budapest, 2018, 436 pages
ISBN 978-963-386-264-3
ISSN 1419-7782

12 000,- Ft

Literary Journal 2018/3. Sorcery

Literary Journal 2018/3. Sorcery
Editor-in-Chief: János Szentmártoni
NSZL – Magyar Napló Publishers Ltd., Budapest, 2018, 160 pages
ISSN 2063-8019

1 590,- Ft

Zoltán Szabó

Zoltán Szabó
Written by Erzsébet Tokaji Nagy and Zsófia Szádeczky-Kardoss
OSZK – Kortárs Publishing, Budapest, 2018.
[series: Kortárs Tanulmány], 572 pages
ISBN 978-963-435-032-3

5 000,- Ft

Whose History? Remembrance, Politics, Documentary

Kinek a történelme? Emlékezet, politika, dokumentumfilm (Whose History? Remembrance, Politics, Documentary)
Written by Réka Sárközy
NSZL – Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest, 2018, 285 pages
ISBN 978 963 963 892 5

3 400,- Ft

Almanac of the Budapest Journalists’ Association 1911

Almanac of the Budapest Journalists’ Association 1911
Facsimile edition
Accompanying studies written by Zoltán Szénási and László Boka
NSZL–Argumentum, Budapest, 2018, 512 pages
ISSN 0201-2510 01911

4 900,- Ft
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