‘My Little Homeland in My Great Country’ The Documents at the Manuscript Collection of the János Arany Memorial Museum of Salonta/Nagyszalonta
Edited by Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi
National Széchényi Library – János Arany Cultural Society
Budapest – Nagyszalonta, 2018, 318 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 688 8
Literary Journal 2018/4. Várad, Holnap, Ady (Várad, the Tomorrow, Ady)
Editor-in-Chief: János Szentmártoni
OSZK – Magyar Napló Publishers Ltd., Budapest, 2018, 136 pages
ISSN 2063-8019
Studies of the Illuminated Chronicle
Edited by János M. Bak and László Veszprémy
NSZL–CEU Press, Budapest, 2018, 206 pages
ISBN 978-963-386-261-2
ISSN 1419-7782
OSZK 215. Tanulmányok egy évforduló tiszteletére (NSZL 215. Studies in Honour of an Anniversary)
Edited by Eszter Deák and Franciska Dede
NSZL – Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest, 2018.
[Bibliotheca Scientiae & Artis 11., series edited by László Boka], 271 pages
ISBN 978 963 693 689 5, ISSN 2062-2279
Miklósy Gyula naplója 1886–1888 (Gyula Miklósy’s Journal 1886–1888)
Edited by Edit Rajnai
National Széchényi Library,
Budapest, 2018, 680 pages
ISBN 978-963-200-684-0
The Illuminated Chronicle
Edited by János M. Bak and László Veszprémy
NSZL–CEU Press, Budapest, 2018, 436 pages
ISBN 978-963-386-264-3
ISSN 1419-7782
Literary Journal 2018/3. Sorcery
Editor-in-Chief: János Szentmártoni
NSZL – Magyar Napló Publishers Ltd., Budapest, 2018, 160 pages
ISSN 2063-8019
Zoltán Szabó
Written by Erzsébet Tokaji Nagy and Zsófia Szádeczky-Kardoss
OSZK – Kortárs Publishing, Budapest, 2018.
[series: Kortárs Tanulmány], 572 pages
ISBN 978-963-435-032-3
Kinek a történelme? Emlékezet, politika, dokumentumfilm (Whose History? Remembrance, Politics, Documentary)
Written by Réka Sárközy
NSZL – Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest, 2018, 285 pages
ISBN 978 963 963 892 5
Almanac of the Budapest Journalists’ Association 1911
Facsimile edition
Accompanying studies written by Zoltán Szénási and László Boka
NSZL–Argumentum, Budapest, 2018, 512 pages
ISSN 0201-2510 01911
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