Transylvania and the Holy See in the Báthory Era. Document Collection II (1595–1613)
Published by Tamás Kruppa
NSZL–Pázmány Péter Catholic University Research Group for Church History–Szeged University Department of Old Hungarian Literature, Budapest–Piliscsaba–Szeged, 2009., 32+312 pages
[A data collection for the history of our intellectual movements in the 14th-18th century, series editor Bálint Keserű, Mihály Balázs]
ISBN 978 963 920 666 3
This is a source edition of the book series of the history of Vatican-Hungary relations with so far unpublished documents from Italian (and mostly Vatican) archives in their original Italian and Latin language. The Transylvania-related correspondence from the Apostolic Nunciatures of Vienna, Graz, Prague and Poland reveal new and interesting details from the history of Transylvania at the turn of the 16th and the 17th century. The military campaigns, divorce and resignations of Zsigmond Báthory, the battles and destructions of Mózes Székely and Basta, and the unknown details of the ill-fated reign of Gábor Báthory are all revived here by the letters of Holy See diplomats.
The present volume is a sequel and addendum of the 2004 document collection Transylvania and the Holy See in the Báthory Era. Unpublished documents 1574-1599 (A data collection for the history of our intellectual movements in the 16th-18th century, 37, Szeged, 2004.).
Detailed Hungarian language excerpts help the reader get a deeper knowledge of the historical background. As required in a series, an apparatus at the end of the volume and a summarizing study in English give further points of orientation.
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