Literary Journal 2020/3. Sándor Csoóri
Editor-in-Chief: János Szentmártoni
NSZL– PLM – Magyar Napló Publishers Ltd., Budapest, 2020., 124 pages
ISSN 2063-8019
Sándor Csoóri, poet, essayist and screenwriter, a significant figure in the regime change, would be ninety years old this year. The autumn issue of Literary Journal pays tribute to him with an overview of his versatile work.
In the creative approach of Sándor Csoóri, rural and urban do not create opposition, but synthesis. With his oeuvre, he created a world of literary and essay language equal to academic language, which is able to show the phenomena in their entirety and complexity.
The aim of the compilation is to bring the entire creative personality to the centre of attention by presenting Csoóri's activities as a poet, thinker and public figure.
The editors of Literary Journal invited literary historian Lajos Szakolczay to discuss Sándor Csoóri’s poetry and its influence while literary and cultural historian Csaba Kiss Gy. on the author's political activity and his role in regime change. Book publisher Attila Zoltán Kovács was asked about the current stages of the publication of the whole oveure and furthure plans while actor Zoltán Rátóti talked about his Csoóri night and the challenges of poem recitation.
In addition to several art analyzes, studies are published on the relationship between Gyula Illyés and Sándor Csoóri, the author's scripts and essays, sociographic work, and the musical aspects of his oeuvre. Under the title of Inspired by Csoóri, poets open up about their defining poems and their relationship with the author.
The issue is illustrated by the works of Sándor Csoóri's favorite artists, rich photographic material and the poet's poems.
Literary Journal, a quarterly joint publication of Magyar Napló and National Széchényi Library is a richly illustrated magazine of more than 100 pages, primarily dedicated to the broad audience, but also well usable as educational material. Its thematic issues always focus on one classical author, period of literary history or cultural phenomenon. Apart from including texts so far unpublished, Literary Journal can also significantly broaden the horizon of re-reading. The previous issues were dedicated to Gyula Illyés, Sándor Márai, Géza Gárdonyi, Gyula Krúdy and Miklós Zrínyi.
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