IFLA congress in Athens

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As part of this year’s IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC), the annual Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL) started this morning. Approximately 100 high-level representatives and observers from around the world attend today’s annual CDNL meeting organized under the theme of The Next Generation. The conference started with welcome speeches by Chair of the CDNL Dr. Lily Knibbeler and Dr. Filippos Tsimpoglou, Director-General of the National Library of Greece. At the end of today’s meeting, directors of national libraries, or their delegates will sum up in a joint statement their comments on specialty goals related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Just like in the previous four years, National Széchényi Library is represented by Dr. László Boka, Director of Research and Academic Affairs.

The presentations are available on the YouTube channel of the conference.