Collectors, antiquarians and bibliographers – Video

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Initiated by the Working Committee on Book History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Editorial Board of Magyar Könyvszemle (Hungarian Book Review), a roundtable discussion on old books was held with the participation of collectors, antiquarians and bibliographers on March 2, 2016, in the Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library on Floor 6. Participants of the discussion included Lajos Borda (Borda Antique Books), János Heltai (National Széchényi Library), Gabriella H. Hubert (National Lutheran Library), Judit P. Vásárhelyi (National Széchényi Library), Sz. Nagy László (Pázmány Péter Catholic University) and Judit V. Ecsedy (National Széchényi Library). Moderator was István Monok (Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences). Topics of discussion included the concept of bibliographic unit, Petrik’s bibliography, an overview of Hungarian national bibliography between 1701 and 1920, and the science historical status of retrospective national bibliography.

Lectures, discussions and comments have been recorded on video that can be watched in Videotorium (Science Online), in two parts at the following links: