Hungary’s oldest digital library, the Hungarian Electronic Library (Hungarian abbreviation: MEK) is proud to present its 18,000th volume, a reference book on chess by Viktor Akantisz and Károly Rozsnyai, which was published back in 1898. On writing the book, the authors took into account the work of Paul Rudolf von Bilguer, a renowned chess master who lived in the 19th century.
Viktor Akantisz, Károly Rozsnyai: A sakkjáték legújabb nagy kézikönyve kezdőknek és sakkozóknak (Recent Great Manual of Chess Play for Beginners and Chess Players), Budapest, Rozsnyai, 1898
Detail from Chapter 1 of the book:
“Playing chess is the most noble and entertaining of all plays; winning or losing do not depend on mere chance, like in the case of card games, but on the skills and talent of those who play the game. Two persons are needed for the play. The origin of chess play goes back to ancient times, and it must have originated from India…”
We wish you a pleasant reading.