Libraries of the Catholic Church in Hungary. Franciscan Libraries 1681–1750

Libraries of the Catholic Church in Hungary. Franciscan Libraries 1681–1750
Arranged for the press by Edina Zvara
Edited by István Monok
NSZL–University of Szeged, Faculty of Old Hungarian Literature, Budapest–Szeged, 2008., 26+384 pages
[Database for the History of the Cultural Movements of the XIV–XVIII. century, 19/3., Series edited by Bálint Keserű, Mihály Balázs]
ISBN 978 963 200 557 7

1 000,- Ft

A Star in the Raven’s Shadow

A Star in the Raven’s Shadow
János Vitéz and the beginnings of humanism in Hungary
Exhibition organised by the National Széchényi Library, 14th March – 15th June 2008
Curator of the exhibition and editor of the catalogue: Ferenc Földesi
NSZL, Budapest, 2008, 251 pages
ISBN 978 963 200 554 6

3 900,- Ft

The Old Library Stock of the Nagyvárad Roman Catholic Diocese. Vol. II.

The Old Library Stock of the Nagyvárad Roman Catholic Diocese. Vol. II.
17th Century Prints. Catalogue
Edited by András Emődi
NSZL–Diocese Library, Budapest–Nagyvárad (Oradea), 2008., 448 pages
[Old Books of Hungarian Libraries in the Carpathian Basin, 2. Series edited by István Monok]
ISBN 978 963 200 489 2

3 000,- Ft
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