
How to approach NSZL during the Wine Festival?



Dear Readers,
Due to the programs of the Wine Festival, on Thursday September 10 and Friday September 11, 2020, after 2 p.m. you can approach National Széchényi Library only by the Express Elevator on Palota Street.
We apologize for the inconvenience!

NSZL to launch a new digital content service entitled “Földabrosz” (Earth Cloth)



The currently launched and continuously expanding database entitled “Földabrosz” (Earth Cloth) includes approximately 1,000 digitized maps that were printed in Hungary or abroad before 1850. The majority of the maps were made in the 18th century, but the collection also includes several 17th-century editions, once owned by founder of our Library, Count Ferenc Széchényi (1754–1820). 

Reader passes can be paid for by credit card in NSZL



Dear Readers and would-be Readers,

We are happy to inform you that, since August 25, 2020, National Széchényi Library has offered yet another convenience service to its readers: reader passes can be paid for not only in cash but also by credit card.

We welcome our readers who wish to renew their reader passes and also those who are newly registered!

“National Széchényi Library has a fantastic collection and staff.”– Interviews with Director-General Dávid Rózsa



In the past few weeks, several interviews appeared in the written press and in various radio broadcasts with Director-General Dávid Rózsa in connection with the current situation and future of National Széchényi Library. Below we will show you some of them.

Dávid Rózsa, Director-General of NSZL received a state award



On July 8, 2020, Elek Fényes Award was granted by Gergely Gulyás, Minister of Prime Minister's Office to Dávid Rózsa, in recognition of his work in the field of statistics.

Traffic restriction – How to approach NSZL on July 14?



According to information provided by Buda Castle Headquarters, on Tuesday July 14, 2020, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., temporary restriction of car and pedestrian traffic can be expected in the vicinity of Szent György Square, due to the expected protocol events in the Carmelite building complex.

Special Collections will be open to readers as of July 14



The Manuscript Collection, Early Printed Books Archive, the Theater History and Music Collection, the Collection of Maps, Posters and Small Prints and the Historical Photo and Video Collection (previously called: Photo Collection and the Collection of Historical Interviews) will be reopened to readers as of July 14, 2020, in compliance with the epidemiological rules due to the coronavirus situation.

New Deputy Director-General at the head of NSZL


Application has been successfully completed, and the Hungarian national library has a new Deputy Director-General as of June 29, 2020 in the person of Judit Gerencsér.

NSZL’s Book and Souvenir Shop reopens to visitors



As of Tuesday June 30, 2020, the Book and Souvenir Shop of National Széchényi Library will be reopened to visitors and can be visited during the opening hours of NSZL (Tuesday to Friday, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m., lunch break: 13.00-13.30).  

Please, make sure to follow the coronavirus-related pandemic measures listed below: 

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