For two months, between April 15 and June 15, 2016, the Dictionaries of Akadémiai Kiadó package will contain the Russian-Hungarian and Hungarian-Russian electronic dictionaries, too. At the same time, the so-called MeRSZ, Hungarian Electronic Reference Works Service will also be expanded.
Russian dictionaries
What are the advantages of an electronic dictionary?
- Search supported by text prediction (by typing in a few characters, a hit list is offered);
- Entries of the dictionary can be searched by typing in both Cyrillic and Latin characters;
- Automatic recognition of the lexical form of suffixed words;
- Search by each word for sentences consisting of several words.
About the dictionary pair
The Russian-Hungarian and Hungarian-Russian dictionaries (Editors-in-Chief: László Gáldi and Pál Uzonyi) contain a total of 100,000 entries and over 800,000 lexical data. The general concise dictionaries contain not only words of the colloquial language but also a great quantity of words from the economic, trade and business vocabularies.
MerSZ – Hungarian abbr. for Hungarian Electronic Reference Works Service
What is MeRSZ?
It is an electronic collection of reference works published by Akadémiai Kiadó, offering legal electronic access to 20 books now, to be followed by 50 more works until the end of 2016. MeRSZ comes with all the advantages digital books offer.
What does MeRSZ offer?
- Always up-to-date, dynamically expanding content;
- Platform-independent use, no need to download a special application;
- Comfortable search options: root-based and multiple search, or search in the entire text of the document;
- Choosing categories: browsing in the documents according to themes;
- Placing bookmarks;
- Making notes and printing them as PDF documents;
- Copying or printing of document parts – even with notes;
- Management of cross references;
- Quick insertion of references: on pressing a button, the system offers an accurate bibliographic description of the given document part in two formats (Harvard and Chicago), which can be copied as a reference into an external document;
- View-setting options: big icons / mosaic on the home page, hiding notes and reference buttons.
Books currently available on MeRSZ surface
- Pál Venetianer: Az emberi genom (Human Genome)
- A. A. Long – D. N. Sedley: A hellenisztikus filozófusok (Hellenistic Philosophers)
- Gábor Boros (Ed.): Filozófia (Philosophy)
- Cicero: Az állam (The State)
- Gábor Mezősi: Magyarország természetföldrajza (The Physical Geography of Hungary)
Study of Literature
- Endre Bojtár: Strukturalizmus az irodalomtudományban (Structuralism in Literary Studies)
- Tibor Gintli (Ed.): Magyar irodalom (Hungarian Literature)
- József Pál (Ed.): Világirodalom (World Literature)
- György Miklós Keserű (Ed.): A gyógyszerkutatás kémiája (Chemistry of Pharmaceutical Research)
- István Kenesei (Ed.): A nyelv és a nyelvek (Language and Languages)
- Ferenc Kiefer (Ed.): Magyar nyelv (The Hungarian Language)
- Ferenc Kiefer (Ed.): Strukturális magyar nyelvtan 1. Mondattan (Structural Hungarian Grammar, Part. 1 Syntax)
- Tamás Bereczkei – Gyula Hoffmann (Ed.): Gének, gondolkodás, személyiség (Genes, Thinking, Personality)
Finance and Accounting
- Ákos Tóth: Kultúrafinanszírozás (Culture Funding)
- Petra Gyuris – Norbert Meskó – Roland Tisljár (Ed.): Az evolúció árnyoldala (The Dark Side of Evolution)
- Csaba Pléh: A lélek és a nyelv (Psyche and Language)
- Csaba Pléh – Ágnes Lukács (Ed.): Pszicholingvisztika (Psychlinguistics)
- Ignác Romsics (Ed.): Magyarország története (The History of Hungary)
- Ignác Romsics: Rendszerváltás Magyarországon (Change of Regime in Hungary)
- Konrád Salamon (Ed.): Világtörténet (History of the World)
Database services can be accessed on the computers of the Library.
Further subscription-based external databases to be accessed in NSZL